Friday, April 18, 2014

I Love Logs

It occurred to me a few days ago, as I was reading this article on DevOps, that I might actually be a DevOps.

I think of myself as a developer, but my current role is in a small team running a small system. And by running, I mean that we are 

  • 'root' and 'Administrator' on our Linux and Windows servers
  • 'oracle / sysdba' on the database side, 
  • the apex administrator account and the apex workspace administrators,
  • the developers and testers, 
  • the people who set up (and revoke) application users and 
  • the people on the receiving end of the support email
Flashbacked to Jeff Smith's article on Developers in Prod. But the truth is that there's a lot of people wearing multiple hats out there, and the job titles of old are getting a bit thin. 

The advantage of having all those hats, or at least all those passwords, is that when I'm looking at issues, I get to look pretty much EVERYWHERE. 

I look at the SSH, FTP and mailserver logs owned by root. The SSH logs generally tell me who logged on where and from where. Some of that is for file transfers (some are SFTP, some are still FTP), some of it is the other members of the team logging on to run jobs. The system sends out lots of mail notifications, and occasionally they don't arrive so I check that log to see that it was sent (and if it may have been too big, or rejected by the gateway).

Also on the server are the Apache logs. We've got these on daily rotate going back a couple of years because it is a small enough system that the logs sizes don't matter. But Apex stuffs most of those field values into the URL as a GET, so they all get logged by Apache. I can get a good idea of what IP address was inquiring about a particular location or order by grepping the logs for the period in question.

I haven't often had the need to look in the Oracle alert logs or dump directories, but they are there if I want to run a trace on some code. 

In contracts, I'm often looking at the V$ (and DBA_) views and tables. The database has some audit trail settings so we can track DDL and (some) logons. Most of the database access is via the Apex component, so there's only a connection pool there.

The SELECT ANY TABLE also gives us access to the underlying Apex tables that tell us the 'private' session state of variables, collections etc. (Scott Wesley blogged on this a while back). Oh, and it amazing how many people DON'T log out of an application, but just shut their browser (or computer) down. At least it amazed me. 

The apex workspace logs stick around for a couple of weeks too, so they can be handy to see who was looking at which pages (because sometimes email us a screenshot of an error message without telling us how or where it popped up). Luckily error messages are logged in that workspace log. 

We have internal application logs too. Emails sent, batch jobs run, people logging on, navigation menu items clicked. And some of our tables include columns with a DEFAULT from SYS_CONTEXT/USERENV (Module, Action, Client Identifier/Info) so we can automatically pick up details when a row is inserted.

All this metadata makes it a lot easier to find the cause of problems. It isn't voyeurism or spying. Honest. 

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