However I do work with databases on a daily basis and that means I need to be aware of licensing 'things'. Often I get access to accounts with privileges for various dictionary views. And there are some views and tables which can only be queried after supplying large amounts of folding paper to your friendly Oracle reseller.
That's one of my dislikes about Oracle. I'd be much happier if those views and packages which require the diagnostic, tuning or whatever packs were secured by some additional role to make them EXTREMELY obvious.
And development and test databases are another thing. It's all very well pretending things can be covered by OTN licences, but some things aren't. Throwing up another database for testing isn't necessarily covered by your existing licences. And what about that readonly standby ? Or that one on the VMWare server ?
Anyway, I've got my diary booked in for Mogens Nørgaard talking to us Sydneysiders about the joys of Oracle licensing in just under two weeks. If you've got any questions you want to pose (apart from why are they so bleeding expensive), add a comment.
I'd like to know more about Amazon Oracle pay-by-the-hour, due in the next couple of months, but I think we'll all have to wait for that.