Thursday, March 10, 2011

Listening for my PDFs

After the last post I had some PDFs in my database. I therefore took advantage of the opportunity to user the Apex Listener to get them out. It can just as easily serve up images, video, audio and all manner of other files.

I used the standalone mode. That means I downloaded the listener, and just ran it, through java, from the command line. No tomcat, glassfish or any other application server involved. I used port 8083 as I was running on the same machine as the database and already had the embedded gateway listening on 8080. 

java -Dapex.port=8083 -Dapex.images=D:\oraclexe\apex\images -Dapex.erase=true -jar d:\oraclexe\apexlistener\apex.war 

'Install' is pretty much down to setting a couple of passwords to start it up.

Then go to the admin screen and point it at an Oracle install just as you would any other client. In the database I had to unlock APEX_PUBLIC_USER, and make sure it had grants to the table I wanted to use. I could have used another username/password though. I could have several listeners running on different ports attached to different schemas.

Then switch to the Resource Template tab, enter the URL and query and set the Type to Media Resource.

Downloading the file is just a matter of putting the filename in the URL. Of course in a real application, there would be a proper sequence generated primary key rather than a filename.

I ran the browser on the same machine too, but that isn't necessary or normal. The database can be sitting listening on 1521 on machine "Blue", the apex listener on machine "Green" connected to the database on 1521 and listening on 8083, and the browser can run on machine "Red" and just talk to "Green" on 8083.

In an XE environment you might run the Apex Listener on the same machine as the database (as XE is limited to 1 CPU and 1 GB of memory, so even a basic machine still has resources spare). This is actually quite secure as you can use the firewall to shut off port 1521 from external machines, forcing all database activity through a more controlled and less privileged account, just RESTful APIs through the URL.

Hey, that could take off. Just need a cool name for accessing a database as a service with no SQL.

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